Dr. Diane's Adventures in Learning
Are you ready for an adventure in learning? Need some STEMspiration in your life? Each episode brings a new adventure as we talk with fascinating guests about connecting real world experiences, multicultural children's literature, and engaged STEM/STEAM learning -- with a little joy sprinkled in for good measure! Dr. Diane Jackson Schnoor travels the world in search of the coolest authors, illustrators, educators, adventurers, and STEM thought leaders to share their stories and inspire the WOW for early childhood and elementary educators, librarians, and families!
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Dr. Diane's Adventures in Learning
Antarctica Adventures with Georgina Satchell -- Joyful World Traveler
In this episode of the Adventures in Learning podcast, we meet joyful world traveler Georgina "Gigi" Satchell. I met Gigi on deck as we both drank in our first views of the Antarctic Peninsula. Join us as we share our love and passion for Antarctica (it took Gigi two attempts at crossing the Drake Passage to make it to the Continent), discuss lessons we've brought home to our daily lives, and discuss Gigi's passion for baking, travel, and making a difference in the world.
Following left and right pelvic reconstruction surgeries to treat hip dysplasia, Gigi Satchell decided to pursue her dream of visiting Antarctica. Her YouTube channel, Satchellstravels, aims to inspire others to travel while disabled.
"Yes, the reason probably why I have this outlook is just because I was really quite severely disabled for quite a long time and so stuck in the house a lot. Being in that situation just made me a lot more appreciative of little things. So being on the other ship and it's turning around and being horrible, I was still like, okay, but this could be a lot worse. I'm still in Ushuaia, and I'm going to make the most of that situation. And it's like Ushuaia is a beautiful city, so I just did lots of extra tours and went and flew over the city, and so, yes, I think that's probably where my enthusiasm comes from. Just from when you haven't been able to walk for a really long time, it makes you very appreciative of it. And even though there are still things I can't do with my disability, I'm just very appreciative of the little things I can do. So at the moment I can walk. So I'm very happy about that. So I do as much as I can when I can and take my medicine when I have to, and yeah, I got to go to Antarctica, which is just amazing. Yeah, how could I not be happy about that? I don't know how I could exactly." -- Gigi Satchell
Aside from travelling, Gigi volunteers with children and young people at IntoUniversity, an organisation which inspires young people to achieve and breaks down barriers to social mobility. Gigi is a firm believer in lifelong learning and just completed a second Masters degree at UCL (University College London) in European Studies.
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[00:01] Dr Diane: Wonder, curiosity, connection. Where will your adventures take you?
I'm Dr. Diane, and thank you for joining me on today's episode of Adventures in Learning. So, welcome to the Adventures and Learning podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Diane, and today I am so thrilled to introduce you to a woman who I first met on a the deck of a ship. And I met her as we both saw Antarctica approaching and both were looking out at it with the same wide eyed childlike wonder and joy. And I knew as soon as I saw this woman, I wanted to be her friend. And I am so glad she's able to join us because after I left her on the ship, she went on to have additional amazing adventures. And so we are going to get to talk to Gigi today. So, Gigi Satchell, welcome to the show.
[00:52] Gigi: Hi, thank you for having me.
[00:55] Dr Diane: So I know when I met you it was your second attempt at getting to Antarctica.
[01:01] Gigi: Yes.
[01:02] Dr Diane: Can you describe a little bit about how you tried to get to Antarctica the first time and what happened? And of course, tell us about yourself as well.
[01:10] Gigi: Okay. Well, yes, I'm Georgina Satchell, but everyone calls me Gigi. And yes, basically I was quite, well I'm still disabled, but I was in hospital having pelvic reconstruction surgery and dreaming of something else. And so I wanted to go to Antarctica, and you have to go by Argentina. And it was the height of COVID so I booked a long trip to go there and everything went quite swimmingly until I got onto the boat, essentially. It was quite a difficult Drake Passage. Do your viewers know about the Drake Passage or do I need to…
[01:50] Dr Diane: We can talk a little bit about the Drake Passage. I think that's definitely worth sharing.
[01:55] Gigi: Okay, so the Drake Passage is a part of the sea that is the roughest seas in the world, known for being the roughest seas because that part of the Earth, the wind just has no way to stop. So it just goes round and round and round around. And the only way to get to Antarctica on a boat, a ship, sorry, is you have to get through the Drake Passage. So we entered the Drake Passage on my initial voyage to Antarctica for two days. It was the roughest piece. From my little window in my cabin, what I saw was sea and sky sea and sky, just constantly.
[02:36] Dr Diane: Oh, talk about a recipe for seasickness.
[02:38] Gigi: It was very bad. We didn't see some passengers because the journey was so bad. And we got out of the Drake Passage, we got to 61 degrees north, south, which is officially Antarctica, technically, like part of the Antarctic Convergence.
[02:56] Dr Diane: Right?
[02:56] Gigi: So that's below 60 degrees south. And the seas calmed down and we went to look for icebergs. And we were 3 hours away from Antarctica, landing at the South Shetland Islands. And then we had a meeting and we were told we had to turn around because one of the passengers fell during the rough seas and was in a life and death situation and needed a doctor, a hospital, sorry. And the weather was so bad there was no way to evacuate them. So we went back into the Drake Passage for two more days and that was it. That was the end of that trip. That was the end of that voyage. Five days, essentially, on the Drake Passage. No Antarctica. So I tried again a month later on the Ocean Victory, which is where I met you. And well, you can see yourself, the Drake Passage was fine.
[03:53] Dr Diane: There were passengers who would not agree with us.
[03:56] Gigi: But, yeah, it was fine. I assure you. It was funny. Yeah, you got seasick because you just do get seasick. There's no escaping it. But it was lovely. A lovely passage.
[04:07] Dr Diane: I thought it was much more Drake Lake than Drake's Shake.
[04:11] Gigi: Definitely. And yes, and somewhere along the way I'm recording my little Vlog. And I saw you and interviewed you and met you and met with lots of people, wonderful people on the ship.
[04:25] Dr Diane: Well, and that was one of the things I absolutely loved, is you were embracing the experience with such joy. And I think for me, that was like speaking to like because it felt like you were truly there to see the animals, to see that part of the world that you don't get to see, and to embrace it with every bit of who you were.
[04:48] Gigi: It totally was that. I didn't have any expectations at all. I just knew I wanted to get to Antarctica. I didn't have anything on my checklist like I wanted to do, apart from landing and walking on the continent. That was the main thing. But other than that, I was just open to any wildlife, any people, any of the experience, and just enjoying it completely. And I really did. It was magical.
[05:15] Dr Diane: It really was. What were the things that maybe surprised you the most?
[05:21] Gigi: Well, actually, the people I think surprised me the most. I'm a massive Star Trek fan, so you should know that. And one of the things about conventions is that you meet all of these people who have the same enthusiasm and passion and joy as you. And I was surprised at how many people still just actually really wanted to, it wasn't for a lot of people, it wasn't just about the 7th continent. Some people it was, but there were so many who just wanted to see and feel the environment and shared my same passion. And so to meet so many people who were enjoying the lectures and loved that side of it, and the learning, this lifelong learning thing, that you have so many people that have that, that was the biggest surprise, I think.
[06:09] Dr Diane: And that was magical, sort of the number of people who were committed to learning about it and then going back and sharing in some way. And I think that's the big challenge is figuring out how do you tell the story? How do you continue to try to help people understand why this is so important?
[06:27] Gigi: Yes. I mean, I've only been back a week, and even now people have asked little questions, and I'm like, oh, well, loads of people have no idea about the treaty. They have no idea that there's all these rules in place. And so when I was saying, oh, well, we have to stay far away from the penguins. We have to stay and we have to respect, and there's rules and international cooperation. Loads of people have no idea about that. And I think that's one of the most magical things about Antarctica is that it's the only place on Earth that there's peace and international cooperation.
[07:01] Dr Diane: Agreed. And I sure hope we can keep it that way. That was one of the challenges as I started learning about the treaty and realizing that countries could literally torpedo this treaty over the next 30 years if they wanted to, for their own selfish aims. It made me realize that as we're talking about the environment and talking about climate change, that's one of the things we have to protect is this place of peace and science.
[07:28] Gigi: Definitely. I mean, I think the treaty officially is up for renewal or modification in 2048, so we're getting closer. And I think one of the important things is to make sure that it carries on and it doesn't suddenly get up for grabs, because there are territories in there that are disputed officially. And everyone's agreed at the moment, just ceasefire and just be cooperative. But that ever changes, the whole continent is going to be up for grabs. And it's a scary prospect.
[08:00] Dr Diane: It's a very scary prospect. One of the things I was realizing, I've been trying to articulate it for myself as I've been writing about it and looking back at the pictures and just looking at the vast expanses with no billboards, no advertisements, where the animals and the wildlife do get that priority, you're not getting on top of them. I did not do my belly slide with a penguin. If there was any one thing that in my preconceived notions, I had imagined, I'd be belly sliding with penguins. And as you said, I absolutely respected the rules because it's like, I don't want to endanger them.
[08:38] Gigi: You didn't do it by accident, though? You didn't have a fall?
[08:41] Dr Diane: I thought about doing that, but no, I was a good girl.
[08:46] Gigi: I did fall quite a lot. Like, a lot with my hips being not the best and then the boots being not the best was constant. But, I mean, the penguins fall a lot, too. They do.
[08:58] Dr Diane: I was more concerned about making sure my 80 year old father didn't fall.
[09:04] Gigi: Did he have a bad knee?
[09:06] Dr Diane: He had had bad knees. And then he wound up, he had an accident on the ship and we were parked. So it wasn't like a Drake Passage like yours, but it was those narrow passages as you're going back and forth. He was walking one way, a couple of folks with cameras were coming the other way. They bumped him, and it wasn't an on purpose thing, but because he's on blood thinners, when he did, the leg just bled a lot. He's fine, he healed, he saw his penguin, so all is well. And he reminded me that this isn't a cruise, it's an expedition.
[09:44] Gigi: And it is definitely that. I knew it was an expedition. I signed up for an expedition. In my head, I didn't even think about it being a dangerous place anymore. It's like, that was something for the explorers of yore, and I was like, oh, well, they wouldn't let us go if it was dangerous, and oh, you have to have insurance in case you have an accident, blah, blah, blah. Well, no, it's like people do perish every single year, and the more tourists that go, it's obviously increasing, just as anything would. People just are dying and it's dangerous.
[10:19] Dr Diane: Well, and it happened the week before we went. I mean, there was the Viking cruise with the rogue wave, and we saw them in Ushuaia. But there was also evidently a couple of Zodiacs.
[10:29] Gigi: A couple, there was, yeah. And then there's all the things that probably don't make the international reports They're at sea, so there's different international laws and we're not privy to all of the things. But the way I look at it is we also in our real lives, our normal lives, you go out and we go on planes, we go in cars.
[10:50] Dr Diane: Exactly.
[10:50] Gigi: Accidents every day. So there's naturally going to be incidents, vessels, but yes, I was not completely aware that it was dangerous. I just thought, oh, we're just going to go and I don't know, just see things and I'll just go to Antarctica and I'll see things and that'll be nice, and I'll go home. And I did not expect that, one, it would be dangerous, two, the expedition might fail, or three, that it would be so life changing.
[11:23] Dr Diane: So I have to ask, are you going to apply to work in the post office?
[11:29] Gigi: I keep looking at the updates for different Antarctica jobs and all of my postcards have arrived safely from Antarctica.
[11:37] Dr Diane: I haven't gotten a single one yet. They said two weeks or two years. I'm evidently on the two year mark.
[11:43] Gigi: Well, what I would say is, though, I sent all of mine here. Britain's first stop, and they're about, two weeks ago they got here. So they're probably on their way now to America, I think.
[11:55] Dr Diane: Well, that's good to know. We sent the same day.
[11:57] Gigi: Yeah, we did. So I know that they're definitely on their British shores, but also we did have royal mail strikes in the UK and lots of holidays with Christmas and New Year. Despite that, I'm still really impressed that they've all got here.
[12:18] Dr Diane: For those who don't know, that was one of the coolest things I thought we saw, was Port Lockroy and the idea that Britain has a post office and it's the southernmost post office you can reach in Antarctica. And for me, one of the cool, striking things is that there was a pride flag flying outside and there was a penguin that saluted the pride flag as I was waiting to go in, which I just thought was really adorable.
[12:45] Gigi: I actually did ask them about that because there's been a move in the UK, so actually, my pride flag over there, and it has black and brown included in it now, and they said, yes, actually, we're trying to get a pride flag that's even more inclusive.
[12:59] Dr Diane: I love it.
[13:01] Gigi: And they've actually started something called Polar Pride, because Pride in the UK, I don't know if it's the same in America, actually, but in the UK it's in July, so they've done one for the polar Antarctica in November on the polar opposite, because nobody's at the station in July.
[13:21] Dr Diane: Fair enough.
[13:23] Gigi: So, yeah, they are really being really awesome, I think. And I love the post office anyway. I am a patriot, I guess, or something, but I do love the Post Office. I think it's one of the best institutions we have in the United Kingdom. So I'm like a massive fan and I'm so glad that they're doing a great job.
[13:42] Dr Diane: I thought that was just fascinating and I would have loved I was talking to Gui, about it, I want to work there. And of course, they've changed the rules and Americans were out of luck.
[13:53] Gigi: No, I know. And now I think with Brexit as well, even the Europeans are out of luck, so it is just for British people now, so I've got a bit more of a chance.
[14:00] Dr Diane: Well, I hope you get it, and if you do, I'm going to find a way to get there to see you.
[14:04] Gigi: Oh, my gosh, yes, please do. I'll be waiting, like, oh, hello, because well, it's also a museum, isn't it? It is so, yeah, that was interesting. All the girly pictures were quite they were.
[14:17] Dr Diane: And I found myself wondering, since the current crew is all female, I was like, what would happen if they took over the pictures? What are we going to see?
[14:28] Gigi: Probably the same, given the flag, but.
[14:31] Dr Diane: It might be a little more updated.
[14:33] Gigi: Yeah, maybe. I don't know. The concept is peculiar to me. Anyway, post.
[14:40] Dr Diane: It was a very World War II thing.
[14:42] Gigi: Yeah, but I think the film star thing, pictures of that, if we think about it more like that, is quite nice, because you always do pictures of Marilyn Monroe.
[14:53] Dr Diane: Yes, I was fascinated by the meteorological tools that they had in there. As well, just looking at what they used in the past versus what we use now and thinking that they were using weather as a way to help with the war effort in World War Two and beyond. And it was just kind of fascinating to me.
[15:14] Gigi: All of the things in there were fascinating, actually. The museum for me, one of the most striking things was all of the food and the food, because I was like, oh, no, that stuff I know that is from the UK and realizing how actually quite spoiled. They had a lot of luxuries all the time because some of those brands are still top end now in Britain, and they would cost love when I'm like, oh, no, they've got the best stuff there. They were really kitted out with the best equipment, the best food, the best to give them the most comfort for their 50s that they could have had.
[15:44] Dr Diane: I think that's a really interesting perspective, because you would know what I wouldn't determine.
[15:50] Gigi: Yeah, it was definitely like, no, that is so if I'm from the north of England and in the north of England in the 1950s, that was not accessible to a lot of people. So I'm like, no, these guys were, like, really lucky, actually, at the time.
[16:03] Dr Diane: So they had good food.
[16:04] Gigi: They had good food, they had really good equipment, as you say, for studying the weather. And just apart from obviously it being very cold and dark and Antarctica and all that stuff, the rest of it was great. I think.
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[17:43] Dr Diane: I was reading this morning they just discovered a brand new Emperor colony using satellite imagery. It's one that they'd never seen before. It's in Western Antarctica and it was discovered in December, but they just released it in January to coincide with Penguin Awareness Day. And they had seen the smudges from the satellite. It was penguin guano, which, as you know, is so distinct.
[18:09] Gigi: Wow.
[18:10] Dr Diane: And so they saw these brown smudges on the satellite and they were able to zoom in closer and see the penguins themselves. And it's an emperor penguin colony, and they could see about 500 new penguins. And they say it's a small colony, but it's reassuring to know that there's another one, because they only breed on sea ice, and so as the sea ice is melting, they're probably the most endangered of the penguins. And so to find another one was a big deal. But that was sort of one of the takeaways that I took from that. We didn't see emperors on our trip.
[18:46] Gigi: Because you’ve got to go further inland. But it's interesting. You said it was western Antarctica. I know that's the part that's unclaimed territory, so there's probably less bases there and things like that, so that's probably why we haven't noticed them before as well.
[18:58] Dr Diane: So I thought that was just really fascinating. I mean, there's so much that we still don't know. They know bits and pieces. But I was thinking about I didn't realize there were rivers that flow underneath Antarctica.
[19:11] Gigi: I didn't know about it either. I mean, I guess most of you just said there are, but yeah, I think there's so much we don't know, and we can't know because it's so remote and so difficult to get to. But yeah, and I think there's lots we still don't know about penguins, as you say, like and there's lots of things that, until you see them in real life, you don't really get how they're birds, but they're very mammal alike behavior, and they're very inquisitive and nosy and just very curious creatures.
[19:41] Dr Diane: Do you still dream in penguin?
[19:43] Gigi: No, not really. I was always more, it was the icebergs that got me the most I cried a lot when I was looking at icebergs because a picture can't tell you. No, and it's not just the color, it's the movement of them. And I really felt like they looked like they were breathing and alive and the changing colors and the movement and I don't know, it was still overwhelming. It's still overwhelming to me when I think about it, and I don't know yet.
[20:16] Dr Diane: I love the way you just described that in terms of the iceberg's breathing, because I've been trying to find the words for it, and that's exactly it.
[20:26] Gigi: And it just feels so relaxing. It's like sort of watching a child sleep or a dog sleep. It's almost like that sort of movement, but with wonderful colors as well.
[20:36] Dr Diane: Well, and then that whole compressed ice with the bubbles and the sound that accompanied it. I love that constant bubbling. It was like you were sitting in the middle of a big seltzer bath.
[20:48] Gigi: Everything, and you didn't do the camping, I don't think.
[20:51] Dr Diane: I didn't. You camped?
[20:53] Gigi: I did camp. And I think that's another thing where the sound of the ice cracking and those sorts of sounds and the silence, because on the boat, you still can hear the engine home. But on the camping out, it was the quietest that I experienced Antarctica. And you could hear just ice moving, ice cracking.
[21:13] Dr Diane: That's amazing. Yeah, I did the kayaking, which for me was one of the most amazing experiences possible. I was on the group that went around Cuverville Island.
[21:26] Gigi: That's fine.
[21:27] Dr Diane: So we wound up at first I was like, oh, I'm going to miss getting to go on land and see the penguins. But it wound up being the most beautiful way to see that island because we got so close, we were within 10 meters of shore and you got to see them as they were interacting with their environment. They're swimming, doing their porposing thing right around you. And then what was even better for me is we went around the island. So you leave the penguins and you see the cormorants nesting and the terns, and then you come into ice fields, and there were these, just as you said, these gorgeous icebergs that were just breathing, and you had to give them their due because they're dangerous and you don't go right close. And there were a few moments where we had to paddle through berry bits.
[22:20] Gigi: And I completely agree with you, the thing where you're like, I don't want to miss out on a landing. But it was worth it, it definitely was.
[22:29] Dr Diane: It was worth the trade off and it was so quiet and just such a different way to see Antarctica and to realize how clear that water is.
[22:38] Gigi: Yes. Wow. Yeah, because you're in it when you kayak. And I think if anybody does ever go, it's worth spending the extra money, if you can, to do all the extra activities. Because you're in the water and you're so close to the ice, so close to the wildlife and the way that you can't get in a Zodiac, you can just get so close to everything.
[22:57] Dr Diane: And it's just quiet and peaceful.
[23:00] Gigi: Yes, that was the thing that was for me as well. One of the best things about hiking and the camping, the silence, because on the Zodiac, you've got the engine, you've got everyone's cameras clicking, all those things. But when you're on the other experiences actually, my best sleep on the whole trip was when I camped out.
[23:23] Dr Diane: That's amazing.
[23:25] Gigi: Because it was quiet. Because it was permanent sunset. The sun was out, so it must have just been the quiet. As soon as I stopped talking to my friends, I literally fell asleep. And just every now and again I'd wake up when I heard some ice cracking or a penguin or something. I'd peek up and look around and I'd be like, oh, this is beautiful. And then I'd just fall back asleep again. And it was the best sleep I've fallen back I've ever had.
[23:48] Dr Diane: Absolutely amazing.
[23:50] Gigi: It really was.
[23:51] Dr Diane: So I'm going to switch gears for a moment. I could talk about Antarctica forever with you, but I want to know a little bit more about you. So tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do, how you came to see the world the way you see the world.
[24:12] Gigi: So at the moment, I just finished a master's degree in European Studies at UCL, and I also make cakes for television and film and things like that, and also for birthdays. But then I also volunteer with children as a group called Into University here in the UK, where we help primary school and secondary school children just with their homework and confidence and things and try and get them into university, obviously. And so they're my main activities. But yes, the reason probably why I have this outlook, which I think you think is yes, is unique, is just because I was really quite severely disabled for quite a long time and so stuck in the house a lot, being in that situation just made me a lot more appreciative of little things. So being on the other ships and it's turning around and being horrible, I was still like, okay, but this could be a lot worse, I'm still in Ushuaia, and I'm going to make the most of that situation. And it's like Ushuaia is a beautiful city, so I just did lots of extra tours and went and flew over the city, and so, yes, I think that's probably where my enthusiasm comes from. Just from when you haven't been able to walk for a really long time, it makes you very appreciative of it. And even though there are still things I can't do with my disability, I'm just very appreciative of the little things I can do. So at the moment I can walk. So I'm very happy about that. So I do as much as I can when I can and take my medicine when I have to, and yeah, I got to go to Antarctica, which is just amazing. Yeah, how could I not be happy about that? I don't know how I could exactly.
[26:11] Dr Diane: So you mentioned you make cakes for film and television. Have we seen your cakes on anything?
[26:17] Gigi: You might have seen some of my food. There's a film on Netflix called Father Christmas Is Back and I did some of the food in that. So it wasn't just the cakes, but some of the Christmas scenes, but the rest of it, I'm not sure, actually. Probably not. Maybe some adverts in England.
[26:33] Dr Diane: How did you get into baking again?
[26:36] Gigi: Because I was disabled, so I just was like, okay, I can't walk, but I'm at home all the time, so what can I do? And you can make cakes while you're sat down in a chair. So that was how I got started.
[26:47] Dr Diane: So would we ever see you on the Great British Bake Off?
[26:50] Gigi: No, because they have to stand up for that show. Yeah, if you've noticed, we've always stood up. So I did think about applying for it, but I was like, I can't. And I don't know how they would make it accessible for me.
[27:05] Dr Diane: I think you should apply and ask them to make it accessible.
[27:06] Gigi: That's true. Maybe, but now it's not on the BBC anymore. I don't know if I could because it needs to be on the BBC.
[27:15] Dr Diane: Oh, we get you on Netflix, though.
[27:17] Gigi: That's true. I've been on on my high horse. I was like, no, you can't leave the BBC. There was a big controversy in England, you see, about BBC and going to where there's adverts. So BBC has, no we don't have advertisements on the television, so we pay a license fee instead. There was a big controversy that now the Great British Bake Off has advertisements.
[27:44] Dr Diane: Yeah, I can see that.
[27:46] Gigi: I know it's normal for you guys, but we have this BBC has no advertisements on the radio or on the television, and so we're like, oh, the BBC, NHS and the Post Office. We're very all about it.
[28:00] Dr Diane: You know what? That's okay. You're allowed to be.
[28:02] Gigi: Thank you.
[28:05] Dr Diane: So what's it like being back in England after traveling for the last it's been a month at least, right?
[28:11] Gigi: Three months, yes, actually. So the biggest thing that I noticed when I came back was it's really cold, but I'm really happy about that. It's actually colder here than it was in Antarctica. And, I mean, if that doesn't say something about global warming, I don't know what exactly, honestly, because London is quite warm compared to where I'm from, so I'm from Manchester, so it's further north. It's really cold. But yeah, other than that, it's just the same when you get back, really. Nothing's really changed.
[28:43] Dr Diane: But you've changed a little bit, maybe.
[28:46] Gigi: I'm definitely more, like, looking into how I can help Antarctica, and that's something that's changed, I think. Before I went on the trip, I knew I wanted to go to Antarctica, and I knew one day I might want to work there. But I never thought that maybe my political research would want to maybe go in that direction. Whereas now I'm quite seriously considering how I can do more research on Antarctica in terms of the politics and the treaty and just to make sure that the treaty stays in place. And so that's also part of why now I'm quite considering and going to apply to work there, because the more time I spend there, the more I can probably inform policy about Antarctica.
[29:31] Dr Diane: That makes sense. And that's sort of for me, I work with teachers and I work with children, and it was kind of that same concept of how can I educate about Antarctica? There was a quote that David Attenborough from the UK came up with that I've taken to heart that means a lot to me, the idea that if you don't know it, you won't love it and you won't care for it. And so the first step is to help people, I think, know it and develop that empathy and that attachment to it, so that they want to protect the policies. So that's sort of the angle that I'm trying to take. And what I do is to help ignite that love affair for people so that they understand how big and beautiful this world is.
[30:11] Gigi: Yeah, I think, yeah, because we don’t, we don't get to really spend that much time with that kind of nature. You know, you can go for walks and things, and that's still great and everything, but to see the scale of it. One of the things that did strike me the most as well was when we're on the ship sometimes and just looking at this huge landscape of sort of just vastness of snow ice, and it's like, wow, it's just unfathomable. And a lot of the time you don't see that sort of unending horizon of the land. So it's hard to picture how big everything really is and how small we are and to try and get people engaged in that and not just thinking about their little life, how their little life affects everyone and how we're all so interconnected. I don't know how we do that yet, but I hope your work with children, and I do hope that that's something, a way to do that. And one of the things I'm hoping to do with the children I work with is to hopefully start talking to them about and start to come more and things like that, and say to them like, it is somewhere that they can go in the future as well. It's not unachievable.
[31:28] Dr Diane: I'm a great fan of Doctor Who, I always have been. And one of the things that they always talk about in time travel is you're not supposed to talk to your former self. You're not supposed to disrupt something in the past because it can change the future. And I've been thinking a lot about that in terms of where we are right now, because we're somebody's past, potentially, and we've got the opportunity, I think, to disrupt it and change what the future could be for these kids. And so by doing the political research you're doing, by doing the educating I'm doing, if each one of us who was on that ship does just even a little bit to disrupt, we might help alter what the future looks like.
[32:06] Gigi: That is true, because there are more and more ships going, and if each person can come back and talk about it and then hopefully the next person will go. And also the thing with the tourism thing. It's a difficult thing to sort of get your head around. Is this okay for us to be going here? And I think as long as each person who goes does come back and talk about it and promote and do some activism for Antarctica, then it is worth any of the journeys that we make and it is worth any of the tourism and the disruption that comes with that. Because each person has the power to affect the outcome there.
[32:42] Dr Diane: I agree. So last question for you today and I hate to let you go because I have absolutely loved every moment of this, but what are the next adventures for you?
[32:54] Gigi: Well, I'm going on some short little trips just to Berlin and Edinburgh just to see some friends, but then I'm going to Mexico in a couple of weeks to go and look at some of the cultural artifacts, I guess. And then I'm going to go and meet someone that I met on the ship in April in LA. And then after that it's going to be just more yes, more traveling as long as I can. So I am due to have more surgeries to hopefully fix some more of my residual disability things. So while I'm waiting for that, I'm going to try and do as much travel as I can just in case it gets a little bit awry. But yeah, just as much as I can.
[33:35] Dr Diane: And if people would like to follow your progress, where should they go?
[33:40] Gigi: They should go to my instagram, which is @satchellstravels, which I have to spell it because it's my surname, but it's S-A-T-C-H-E-L-L-S Travels. Yes. And probably I should change it because no one can spell it.
[33:55] Dr Diane: Well, I will make sure I include it in the show notes because I loved traveling vicariously through South America with you after we left.
[34:02] Gigi: I've still got so much to do that's my main work now is at some point I'm going to have to go through all the pictures and all the videos and then one day there will be a Vlog. And I have already preliminary seen the interview that I did with you as well and I'm quite excited when it finally goes online.
[34:19] Dr Diane: Oh, I can't wait. I'm so excited. Yeah, I've been using the time. I'm actually working on a book and so I've been writing about the journey in sort of a combination of poetry and prose and photographs. So I'm excited for it. And next step will be to shop it once I've got it done.
[34:37] Gigi: Well, please do like send it to me if you need any proofing. I'm a really good quick proof person.
[34:43] Dr Diane: I will make sure I send it to you because I actually am looking for proof or so it'll come to you next.
[34:48] Gigi: Yes, perfect.
[34:49] Dr Diane: All right, well, thank you for joining us on the Adventures in Learning podcast. It has been such a delight, and I want you to pop back in and visit from other points in the world as well.
[34:58] Gigi: Okay, I'll try my best.
[35:00] Dr Diane: All right. It's good to see you.
[35:02] Gigi: Take care.
[35:05] Dr Diane: You've been listening to the Adventures in Learning podcast with your host, Dr. Diane. If you like what you're hearing, please subscribe, download and let us know what you think, and please tell a friend. If you want the full show notes and the pictures, please go to drdianeadventures.com. We look forward to you joining us on our next adventure.